Shraddha Kapoor’s car collection is both intriguing and diverse, ranging from budget-friendly hatchbacks to luxurious supercars. Recently, she added a new Lamborghini Tecnica to her collection on Dussehra, showcasing her love for extravagant automobiles. Despite her glamorous lifestyle, Shraddha is known for her humble nature, often seen driving a Maruti Swift, a popular and affordable choice. The Swift comes with a 1.2-litre petrol engine offering 90 PS and 113 Nm of torque, available in both manual and AMT versions, as well as a CNG variant.
In her garage, Shraddha also has a Mercedes-Benz GLA 200d, representing the luxury car segment favoured by many celebrities. This car features a 2.1-litre turbo diesel engine with 136 hp and 300 Nm of torque, paired with a 7-speed automatic transmission, though it’s no longer available in India. Another notable vehicle in her collection is the Toyota Fortuner, a highly successful 7-seat SUV known for its off-road capabilities. The Fortuner offers two engine options: a 2.7-litre petrol engine producing 164 hp and 245 Nm, and a 2.8-litre turbo-diesel engine with 201 hp and 420 Nm of torque (or 500 Nm with automatic transmission). It also comes with a 4×4 system, making it suitable for various terrains.
Shraddha’s collection includes the Mercedes-Benz ML 250 CDI, an older model now discontinued in India. It featured a 2.1-litre 4-cylinder diesel engine generating 203 hp and 500 Nm of torque, with a 7-speed automatic transmission powering all four wheels. The highlight of her collection is undoubtedly the Lamborghini Tecnica. This supercar boasts a 5.2-litre V10 engine with 631 hp and 565 Nm of torque, capable of accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.2 seconds and reaching a top speed of 325 km/h. Its combination of aluminium and carbon fibre chassis ensures both speed and durability, making it a standout addition to Shraddha’s impressive lineup.